Friday, November 16, 2012

Turtle > Nap

Tuesday, October 2nd

Luckily, I marked down where the nine tracks that we found last night were because most of them were washed away by the tide and the rain. The rest of the morning was pretty normal…I counted the tracks, returned to the park, and released one lone hatchling.

While volunteers did yard work around the parque, I spent the rest of the morning entering the hatchery data for this month so that we could see our egg total. We collected around 14,000 eggs this month, which is good considering we had mostly just two volunteers the whole time.

During free time, I went up to the tower to read. While I was reading/napping, some volunteers that had been playing in the ocean saw a turtle come up and claimed the nest! It was a small nest of only 37 eggs, but it was still a turtle whose nest was fully ours and not one that we had to buy. It was a great way to get woken up from a nap. After burying the eggs, I did a bunch of nest excavations and showed some of the new volunteers how to do them as well.

At night, it rained for the first time in what seemed like FOREVER! Of course it was right when I went on patrol, but it was OK because a bunch of turtles came out and we were able to buy three nests!

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