Friday, November 16, 2012

RIP Garza

Monday, October 8th

After crawl counts, I spent the morning with some of the volunteers raking, weeding, and just generally cleaning the parque. There are so many trees here that raking seems to be a never ending job!!

Overall, it was a pretty quiet day. The Garza that we rescued died unfortunately. Bird rehabilitation is really hard, especially when we do not have a veterinarian here. The other bird seems to be doing ok, so fingers crossed.

Later in the afternoon, it started to rain for the first time in forever! It rained on and off until about 2 or 3 in the morning. When I went out on patrol, it was pouring! We stopped one of the buyers who had already bought 7 nests and got the donations from him on the beach. I don't trust that he gives us all of his donations, so I think it is better to get them from him right away. We also bought one nest from a very nice parlamero. We ran into another parlamero who wanted to sell to us, but we only had 45Q and there was 70Q worth of eggs. He didn't want to sell us half the nest. We asked him for a donation though and he also said no. If he wasn't going to sell to us, he would sell to someone who doesn't give donations so that he would get more money. It was pretty frustrating. 

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