Friday, September 7, 2012


Wednesday, September 5th

On crawl counts this morning, the parlamero that I always run into decided to walk with me for about 2km. There was one hole with about 4 or 5 tracks coming out of it, and he explained that it was the same turtle that kept trying to leave and subsequently got picked up and put back. If he wasn’t there to explain it, I probably would’ve looked at it for a long time trying to figure out what happened.  He was very nice and I liked having the company.

Later in the morning, I went with a couple volunteers to Monterrico to run errands. I had to get batteries for the patrol flashlights, a tea kettle (which Megan and Ryan donated money for), and exchange American dollars that were given as donations. I also did some shopping for myself…I got a cake of course! This time it was a tres leche cake. Two more volunteers left today. Now we are down to two volunteers plus Glenda and I. It is going to be rough for awhile if no other volunteers come. 

Look who decided to join me while I did laundry

Later in the evening, I went to Alice’s for dinner and a Spanish lesson. She made Pad Thai and it was delicious! For the Spanish portion, we went over small talk questions for me to ask the parlameros. Usually you end up having to wait awhile for the turtle to dig the nest and lay, so it gets awkward when you run out of things to talk about and just sit there with the parlamero. Hopefully, some of the questions she gave me will get the parlameros talking. 

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