Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Wednesday, August 29th

The kids came again today, but like yesterday Angela pretty much took care of them, so I spent the day overseeing the volunteers. The back areas of the park are like a wilderness area, so some of the volunteers weeded and cleaned up that area. I was amazed at how good it looked! It was like walking into a well tended garden instead of a jungle! The guy volunteers worked on some shelves for the volunteer dorms and they turned out great. It will be nice for the volunteers to finally have a place to put their stuff.

Later on in the afternoon, Megan and Ryan (two volunteers from Australia) came up with a plan to fix the small hatchery so that we can use it while we are waiting for money to start building the new hatchery. They have started working already and I can tell that it is going to look great! As is, the hatchery is insecure and almost unusable, so anything they can do to help would be amazing. 

I also had my Spanish lesson with Alice in the afternoon. She helped me come up with a way to sweet talk my fisherman friend, Abalino, into raising more money to buy eggs. Apparently he did a great job last year, so I’m hoping to convince him to this year as well. One of the volunteers, Lynn, wove Paco a new collar. It looks great! He looks like he is really our dog now. He is starting to get used to wearing a collar to, which is good. 

Paco showing off his new handmade collar

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