Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tour of Hawaii

Tuesday, September 25th

In the morning, I took Jordan on crawl counts and we actually saw a turtle when it was light! Jordan got a picture with it and then we bought the nest from the parlamero who found it. Later in the morning, we planted the mangrove seeds that we had collected yesterday. After lunch, we headed to Pierre’s pool to cool off. It hasn’t been raining, so it has been much hotter than usual.

After playing in the pool, I showed Jordan the town of Hawaii and we got fries and a soda at my favorite stand. We went to Alice’s house and socialized with her while we ate. We headed back to the parque around 1:30pm to get ready to catch the 2:30pm chicken bus. It was extremely bumpy this time! We also stopped about 3x due to engine trouble. I’m not sure how much longer this bus is going to last haha.

We got into Antigua just in time for dinner. We were kind of dirty and tired so we decided to have Pollo Campero. Jordan got a little taste for what Guatemalan fast food is like. Once we got back to the hotel, we crashed!

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