Tuesday, August 7, 2012

El Jefe

Sunday, July 29th

This morning was my day to sleep in, so I woke up a couple hours later than everyone else. When I did wake up, everyone was in a tizzy. Miriam, the Executive Director of ARCAS, decided she wanted to visit the parque around 11:00. Everyone set out to rake, clean, and straighten things up.

Miriam is a small Guatemalan woman that doesn’t take crap from anyone and gets straight to the point, which I like. We gave her a tour of the parque and she was impressed at how clean and organized it was. Then, we sat down and went over any concerns that we had with her. I mentioned that we weren’t being notified of volunteers’ arrivals, which often causes the volunteers to feel unwelcome. It also makes the project seem unorganized. I also brought up the lack of updates on the website. The Facebook page is updated, but for people who don’t use Facebook the website is important. I brought up a few more minor things, and then asked her about a new and improved hatchery to replace the small one. I showed her my sketches and she was all for them! She agreed that the hatchery needs to be repaired and expanded. She also mentioned helping with fundraising efforts.

I enjoyed that Miriam made me feel like she was listening to my concerns and seems to want to do something about them. She left after about an hour and a half. I spent the rest of the day feeling great because I felt like some of my concerns might be addressed!

 Parque Hawaii Staff minus Glenda (L to R: Mariachi, Miriam, Willi, Me)

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