Friday, August 17, 2012

Garden Work

Tuesday, August 14th

Lynn, a new Belgian volunteer, and I spent the morning cutting and pulling up roots around the turtle hospital and holding pool. It reminded me of restoration work that I used to do in Seattle with pulling up blackberry bushes and roots. I actually enjoyed pulling out these vines because it was fun to use the machete to cut the top layer off. We got about half of the area around the pool done. I think it will take us probably 3-4 days to finish this project.

During mid-day free time, I was able to go on the tower and lay in the sunshine for a little while. However, another new volunteer came so I spent most of my free time showing him around the parque and explaining how everything works. The rest of the day was spent working around the holding pool and turtle hospital.

The day wasn’t too eventful, but nighttime was. Glenda got a call from a local telling her about a dead turtle that was killed by two young men. They used a sharp glass bottle to dig into her ovaries because they wanted to take her eggs. It was so sad! I can’t believe that anyone would do such a thing. They obviously didn’t know what they were doing because they could’ve just waited for her to lay the eggs. Even the parlameros don’t kill turtles just to get eggs. The turtle was brought to the parque and covered with ice to keep her fresh. The eggs were recovered and they are now buried in the hatchery.

 The bloody eggs

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