Friday, August 24, 2012

Una Tortuguita!

Monday, August 20th

I woke up this morning to take the 6am temperatures and I found one hatchling in Nest #2! I was in awe of how small it was! It was adorable. I freaked out a little because normally hatchlings come out of the nest together in groups. I immediately contacted Scott and Alice to ask if that was normal. Scott said it isn’t common, but it does happen. I measured and weighed the little one and then released it because it started to go into a frenzy. It was also early enough where it wasn’t too hot and there weren’t too many birds flying around. It made it to the ocean safe and sound! I’m hoping the rest of the nest hatches tonight! 

What I woke up to! 


Close up 


The little one almost to the ocean

I made today a free day for the volunteers because it’s Mariachi’s birthday and because everyone is kind of tired. Most of the volunteers went to the bracelet class with Maria in El Dormido. The rest of us went to the tower to sleep and lay out. I found Willi in the visitor’s center playing cards by himself, so I invited him up to the tower. We played Go Fish and some game called Oreja (Ear in English). We were tied 4-4, and I ended up winning the tie-breaker!

The rest of the day was spent entering data, updating my resume, and applying for a job after this one….all in the sun of course. For dinner, Alice made us veggie pizzas! They were delicious! After dinner, 3 nests hatched. It was crazy...pretty much one right after another! It was tiring guiding those little babies into the water and making sure people and motos didn't smush them. It was so cute to see them scuttle down to the water though. It was so rewarding to see our eggs hatch and see that the hatchlings were healthy and strong. 

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